We strive to be the preferred employer of both current and potential employees. Our aim is to attract, develop, and keep qualified and motivated people in a professional environment.
- We aim to offer a safe and healthy working environment in all our operations.
- We believe in equal opportunities, fairness and diversity. We recruit and promote on the basis of qualifications for the work to be performed, regardless of race, religion, gender, age, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, union membership and political opinion.
- We recognize that employees have the right to choose whether or not to be represented by trade unions for purposes of collective bargaining. No discrimination shall be directed against any employee excercising such rights.
- Under no circumstances will forced or compulsory labor be employed in our operations. We are strictly against child labor and other forms of exploitation of children. We do not employ any person under 15 years old, and adapt to local standards that specify a higher age minimum.
- Each of us is expected to contribute to the group and our performance is rewarded in a fair way. Appraisals are made on an annual basis.
- Our employees are continuously offered training and development possibilities to safeguard their chance to grow with the group. The goal is an average of 40 training hours per year for each employee.
- We encourage a flow of information across divisional, functional and geographical borders to make full use of the group's available knowledge and experience.